Maryland Clean Buildings Hub

Building decarbonization - the process of decoupling a building’s energy use from its fossil fuel usage - is a massive effort. Within the state of Maryland, multiple government and non-governmental actors are involved in distributing information, resources, and funding to assist owners with making improvements to their buildings to make them more efficient and reduce their onsite fossil fuel usage.
To help building owners navigate the breadth of resources, the Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA) of 2022 mandated the creation of a clearinghouse of resources and information within MEA to help building owners across Maryland reduce the energy use intensity and emissions of their buildings.
This clearinghouse, the Maryland Clean Buildings Hub, will be housed on a separate website, which is under construction. Once launched, the Hub will produce resources (e.g. webinars, trainings, fact sheets, toolkits) and amplify relevant resources from state and non-state entities. The Hub will also connect building owners with technical assistance and services.
- Will the Hub provide 1:1 technical assistance?
- With its current resources, the Hub will not be able to provide building owners with 1:1 technical assistance. Where possible and relevant, the Hub will help connect building owners to those who can.
Will the Hub be free?
- Yes, all content and offerings will be free.
Are the Hub’s offerings only for buildings affected by the statewide
building energy performance standards (BEPS)?
- While the Hub may initially prioritize resources for large commercial and multifamily buildings covered by Maryland’s BEPS, all building owners are encouraged to use the Hub’s resources.
- How is the Hub different from the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE)’s BEPS division?
- MDE is tasked in statute with administering BEPS. The Hub serves as the center of education, outreach, and awareness efforts to help building owners achieve their BEPS targets.
How can I get involved?