Program Purpose: The Maryland Energy Administration (“MEA”) is pleased to announce the new Electrification Outreach Program (the “Program”) for Fiscal Year 2025. Building electrification - the replacement of fossil fuel-powered systems and appliances with electric alternatives - is a key strategy for improving health and safety, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing emissions economy-wide.
This Program supports:
- Residential Community Electrification Outreach: statewide, community-based outreach to educate owners and tenants of single-family and multi-family dwellings on the benefits of building electrification and encourage adoption of electrification measures. Electrification outreach aligns with key State climate policies, including the decarbonization requirements of the Climate Solutions Now Act (SB528 2022).
- Residential and Commercial Outreach to WARMTH Pilot Communities: In 2024, the Maryland General Assembly passed the WARMTH Act (HB397 2024), requiring certain gas utilities to develop networked geothermal pilot programs in their service territories. Networked geothermal systems use a shared geothermal loop to efficiently heat and cool multiple buildings, offering a promising approach to community-scale electrification. Under the WARMTH Act, MEA will fund outreach to owners and tenants of single-family dwellings, multi-family dwellings, and commercial buildings within participating gas utility service areas to encourage participation in the WARMTH Pilot and facilitate coordination with Finalist communities over the pilot’s duration.
Type of Grant Program: Competitive Grant Program
Eligible Applicants: The Program is only open to nonprofit organizations, including community-based organizations. Applicants must be registered to do business in Maryland and in good standing.
FY25 Budget: A total of $350,000 for Fiscal Year 2025 is anticipated to be available. The actual amount available may vary, depending on the quantity of applications received and MEA’s available resources within a given fiscal year. The minimum request for a grant award is $50,000 and the maximum request for a grant award is $175,000. MEA may increase the maximum amount depending upon applicant qualifications. MEA may also issue partial awards.
Application Deadline: March 26, 2025, 5:00PM EST
Program Documents:
Geographic Allocations:
An Applicant must specify their geographic focus in their application.
Residential Community Electrification Outreach
An Applicant may propose general electrification outreach to communities anywhere in the State. Grants will be awarded in a manner to ensure a regional distribution of funds for eligible activities across the State. If proposing general electrification outreach, an Applicant must specify the region(s) they intend to serve from the following options (see Figure 1 for map of regions):
- Communities in Western Region (GREEN)
- Communities in Central Region (ORANGE)
- Communities in Eastern Region (BLUE)
- Communities in Southern Region (PINK)
- Communities in Baltimore City Region (RED)
Figure 1
Residential and Commercial Outreach to WARMTH Pilot Communities
An Applicant must propose to conduct WARMTH Pilot outreach in at least one of the following areas:
- Communities selected by BGE as Finalists and Semi-Finalists for the WARMTH Pilot (see Figure 2 for BGE utility territory map).
- Communities selected by Washington Gas as Finalists and Semi-Finalists for the WARMTH Pilot (see Figure 3 for Washington Gas utility territory map).
Figure 2 (Source: BGE)
Figure 3 (Source: Washington Gas and Light Company)
Partial Awards: Partial awards are possible under the Program and will be determined based on the applicant’s competitive application score, as determined in the Review Process using the Evaluation Criteria. MEA may issue a partial award if:
- Needed to ensure equitable distribution of funds across geographic regions of the State; or
- Sufficient grant funds are not available to fully fund a project.
Interested applicants may submit questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions to the following MEA Program Manager.
Ryan Trauley
Energy Efficiency & Electrification Program Manager
2024 Request for Information: Thank you to all of the organizations and individuals who contributed comments to the 2024
Request for Information. Your feedback informed the development of the FY25 Funding Opportunity.