Program Description:Available to nonprofit organizations and local governments, the Maryland Energy Administration’s (MEA) Energy Efficiency Equity Grant Program ("EEE Program" , "the Program", formerly known as the Low-to-Moderate Income Energy Efficiency Grant Program) is designed to support energy efficiency projects and activities benefiting low-to-moderate income (LMI) Marylanders. Grants are awarded for energy efficiency projects that generate significant reductions in energy use and pass on the benefits of the savings to Maryland’s LMI residents.
The EEE Program first allocates funding regionally based on the number of LMI households located within the respective region to ensure an equitable distribution of grant funds. Grants are then competitively awarded within the applicant pool for each region.
Type of Program: Competitive Grant Program
Application Deadline: Friday, February 16th, 2024, by 5 PM EST
Anticipated Program Budget: $19.5 million total program budget anticipated for FY24, to be allocated regionally across Maryland.
For an overview of the Program, including the regional allocations, please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement below.
Program Documents:
Utility Incentive Programs: For information on incentives offered by Maryland's EmPOWER utilities, please visit the links below.
Previous Cycles of the LMI Program: Read about past cycles of the EEE Program (formerly known as the Low-to-Moderate Income Energy Efficiency Grant Program, or "LMI Program") at the links below.
Additional Questions: For more information, please contact
Angel Saules, Program Manager for Energy Equity Programs by email at
If you are interested in getting information on the
MEA Solar Energy Equity Grant Program, please consult the
program webpage. You may also contact Meg Cefail, MEA Clean Energy Program Manager, via email at