In 2008, the Maryland General Assembly passed the EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act. The legislation set a target reduction of 15 percent in per capita electricity consumption and demand by 2015 from a 2007 baseline.
EmPOWER Maryland is the state’s energy efficiency program with an original goal of a 15% reduction in energy use and 15% reduction in peak demand per capita by the year 2015 (based on 2007 levels). The new EmPOWER Maryland is a state-level initiative aimed at reducing Maryland’s electricity usage 25 percent by 2020.
Since its inception through September 2012, EmPOWER Maryland has helped fund measures that will reduce ratepayer energy usage by more than 2 million MWh per year and save $250 million annually. These savings will continue for years, with currently existing measures saving ratepayers $3.7 billion over their useful life.
The current legislation sets targets for electric energy and demand reductions through 2015. However, the act also directed MEA, in consultation with the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), to determine whether electricity consumption and peak demand reduction targets should be set beyond 2015, and to advise the legislature on the feasibility of setting energy savings targets for natural gas companies.
To determine whether electricity and natural gas targets should be extended beyond 2015, MEA will engage relevant stakeholders, including electric and gas utilities and suppliers, the environmental advocacy community, and state agencies. A kickoff meeting was held June 29, 2012 to begin the process.
This page will host information and documents related to this effort. Please check back periodically for updates.
Update: April 2017
The new EmPOWER Maryland is a state-level initiative aimed at reducing Maryland’s electricity usage 25 percent by 2020.
Update: Mar. 18, 2013
MEA has completed the Final Report to the SFC and HEMC on EmPOWER Planning. The report is available here for downloading. MEA hosted a webinar on Mar. 15 to discuss the report's contents and recommendations. The
slides from this meeting are now available and the audio from the webinar will be available shortly.
Final Report to the SFC and HEMC
EmPOWER Planning Final Report - Final report to the Senate Finance Committee and House Economic Matters Committee to discuss whether to set EmPOWER Maryland targets beyond 2015.
Draft Report to the SFC and HEMC with Supporting Documents
EmPOWER Planning Draft Report - Draft version of the report due to the Senate Finance Committee and House Economic Matters Committee to discuss whether to set EmPOWER Maryland targets beyond 2015.
Maryland CHP Market Analysis - Potential study from DOE Mid-Atlantic Clean Energy Application Center discussing the potential market for combined heat and power applications.
Maryland Fuel Switching Potential Study - Potential study from GDS, Associates, discussing the potential market for end use fuel switching.
Feedback on Draft Report
Several stakeholders submitted feedback on the Draft Report. Those documents are linked below. MEA has also created a summary of stakeholder comments. This document (also linked below) is MEA's interpretation of the comments, and is provided only for stakeholders convenience. We suggest viewing each author's original comments for a more detailed understanding of stakeholder positions.
Stakeholder comments:
June 29, 2012 Stakeholders Meeting Documents
EmPOWER Maryland Progress to Date and "Business as Usual" Forecast
Outlines past performance and a "business as usual" forecast for EmPOWER Maryland programs
Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Potential in Maryland
Report compiled by GDS Associates, Inc, discussing the potential for natural gas efficiency and conservation programs in Maryland
EmPOWER Planning presentation
Presentation given by MEA and GDS at the June 29 kickoff meeting.
Feedback from June 29, 2012 Stakeholders Meeting
Several stakeholders submitted feedback on the presentation and documents covered during the June 29, 2012 meeting on EmPOWER Planning. Those documents are linked below. MEA has also created a summary of stakeholder comments. This document (also linked below) is MEA's interpretation of the comments, and is provided only for stakeholders' convenience. We suggest viewing each author's original comments for a more detailed understanding of stakeholder positions.
Stakeholder comments: