Program Purpose:The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is pleased to announce the Community Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Program (Community EVSE Program or the Program) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. The purpose of the Program is to increase access to affordable and reliable electric vehicle (EV) charging networks and reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions in low and moderate income, overburdened, and underserved communities in Maryland. The Program accomplishes this by providing grant funding through three Areas of Interest (AOI).
- AOI 1: EV Infrastructure Planning
- AOI 2: Make-Ready Installations
- AOI 3: EVSE Installations
The Program is open to Maryland businesses, non-profits, and state, tribal, and local/municipal governmental entities for projects located in low and moderate income, overburdened, and underserved communities in Maryland. Applicants may follow the instructions on MEA's
Census Tracts and Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Alternative Compliance Payments webpage to determine if their property is located in census tract that meets legal definition for a low and moderate income, overburdened, or underserved community in Maryland.
This Program is being developed as a result of
Governor Moore’s commitment to invest $23 million in electric vehicle charging infrastructure in low and moderate income, historically overburdened, and historically underserved communities in Maryland. This Program was previously announced in a Notice of Intent in September, 2024 as the EVSE Equity Program.
Program Type: The Program is non-competitive and awards will be issued on a first come-first served basis while funding is available.
Program Documents: Please review the Program Overview document and Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) documents for each individual AOI for more information regarding applicant eligibility, project requirements, incentive amounts, and evaluation criteria. Applicants may apply to multiple or all of the Community EVSE Program AOIs offered in FY 2025.
Online Application: The Program utilizes an online application portal, Jotform, that all applicants are required to use when submitting Community EVSE Grant Program applications. Applications are available for each individual AOI. Applicants applying to multiple AOIs must complete an application for each individual AOI.
Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis (first come-first served) until Friday, March 28, 2025, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time Zone or until all program funding has been awarded, whichever occurs first. The online application forms will automatically be disabled at the date and time specified above.
Program Funding: MEA expects a total of $10 million to be available for the Program in FY 2025. The amount may vary depending on the quantity and quality of applications received.
Request for Information: MEA launched a Request for Information (RFI) on September 23, 2024 for stakeholders to help inform development of the Community EVSE Program. MEA requested RFI responses be submitted by Wednesday, October 23, 2024 in order for comments to be considered for the FY 2025 program. RFI Responses submitted after this date will help inform the development of the FY 2026 program. MEA will formally close this RFI once the FY 2026 program opens.
Program Contact: For more information on this MEA funding opportunity, please contact Samuel Beirne, Senior Energy Program Manager at