
Maryland Smart Energy Communities FY24 Grant Programs

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MSEC Transportation Project - Petroleum Reduction for Frederick County
  • ​MSEC contribution of $122,000 for all four electric buses.
  • Approximate annual fuel reduction by one all-electric bus = 9,114 gallons of diesel (cost savings of $34,600)

Program Description:​ The Maryland Smart Energy Communities (MSEC) FY24 programs are designed to support local governments, state agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and communities as they engage in sustainable, long-term, clean energy policies and projects that lead to reduced energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions, increased cost savings, and robust clean energy and economic development.

Program Purpose: ​The MSEC FY24 program provides a comprehensive suite of programs (including pilot efforts this year) that extend beyond government operations to include opportunities for communities as a whole.  This offering provides an opportunity to fund community-wide visions of how clean energy and related technologies can scale up to a community level.  The four core programs within the MSEC portfolio are designed to foster overall community planning that involves the setting of climate and energy goals, decarbonizing economies, and promoting diversity and environmental justice.

Types of Grant Program: The MSEC FY24 portfolio offers awards in four core Areas of Interest (AOI):
Awards for AOI1 and AOI4 are competitive, while awards for AOI2 and AOI3 are first-come, first-served.  

AOI1. Clean Energy for Local Governments Program (CELG): Eligible applicants include all incorporated towns, cities, and counties of Maryland. Applicants are defined as either NEW or EXISTING communities. Any incorporated town, city, or county previously engaged in the MSEC program during fiscal years FY13-FY23 that have completed all “New Community” deliverables and are in good standing with the MSEC Program are eligible to apply for funding as Existing Communities. For more details on the CELG program see the Funding Opportunity Announcement and applications here.

Application Deadline: 5:00 pm ET, March 8th, 2024.

AOI2. Public Facilities Solar Program (PFS): The PFS program is accepting applications from County or Municipal government entities, public universities, community colleges or public schools to support the planning and installation of solar arrays on existing public facilities and infrastructure. The term “public facilities” refers to a facility site or building where the local jurisdiction owns or maintains a long-term lease (greater than 15 years), controls the facility, and uses the facility for its official purposes. For more details on the PFS program, see the Funding Opportunity Announcement and applications here.

Application Deadline: 5:00 pm ET, March 8th, 2024, or when the funding is depleted, whichever occurs first.

AOI3. Streetlight and Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Program (SOLE): The SOLE program is accepting applications from non-profit organizations, local governments, public and private educational entities, and community colleges for upgrading their streetlight and outdoor lighting systems. Grants are available to help defray the cost of replacing less-efficient, pole-mounted fixtures used for street lighting, parking lots, parks, athletic fields, and other outdoor areas, as well as implementing certain lighting controls. For more details on the SOLE program, see the Funding Opportunity Announcement and applications here.

Application Deadline: 5:00 pm ET, March 8th, 2024, or when the funding is depleted, whichever occurs first.

AOI4. Clean Energy and Community Development Pilot Program (CECD): The CECD pilot program is accepting applications for projects that involve the planning and/or implementation of community scale clean energy and economic development initiatives, especially those that involve the collaboration of multiple communities, local governments and/or regional economic development commissions.  For more details on the CECD program, see the Funding Opportunity Announcement and applications here.

Application Deadline: 5:00 pm ET, March 8th, 2024. 

For more information about the MSEC FY24 programs, contact MEA by email at msec.mea@maryland.gov ​or by phone at 443- 826-0530 to speak with Jose Matos, MSEC Acting Program Manager.​

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