Public Facilities Solar FY24 Grant Program

MoCo Correctional faclity solar roof.png 

Montgomery County correctional facility photo credit: ​Montgomery County​​

Program Description: This program provides grant funding to City, County or Municipal government entities to support the planning and installation of solar arrays on existing infrastructure of public facilities. For the purpose of this grant program, a public facility is a facility/building where the local jurisdiction owns and controls the facility and uses the facility for its official purposes. Installation may occur through the direct purchase and installation of solar modules by the public entity, or through a Power Purchase Agreement with a third party for installation of a solar array on a public facility and incorporated into the facility’s existing infrastructure. Grant assistance is available in two distinct Areas of Interest (AOI):  funds for purchased systems (AOI 1), and funds for 3rd party owned systems (AOI 2).​

Program Purpose: To encourage the generation of solar energy at public facilities. To demonstrate government support of clean and renewable energy generation technology. 

Type of Program: First come, first served

Program Application Deadline: March 8th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EST.

Anticipated Program Budget: MEA anticipates that up to $1,000,000 total will be available.

Program Documents:

For more information, co​​ntact MEA regarding the Public Facilities Solar Solar FY24 Grant Program by email at ​or by phone at 443-826-0530 to speak with Jose Matos, MSEC Acting Program Manager.​

See the Public Facility Solar Grant Program Fiscal Year 2022 list of awardeeshere.​

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