Fiscal Year 2025 Grant Program
Program Description: The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) announces the launch of its Fiscal Year 2025 Commercial, Industrial & Agricultural Grant Program (“CI&A FY25 Program” or “Program”). Eligible grant recipients are owners of Maryland-based commercial, industrial, data centers, non-profits, and farms and other agricultural entities. Both new construction and existing facilities may be considered for grants to defray the cost of improvements resulting in energy performance that exceeds current codes or standards.
Type of Grant Program: The FY25 CI&A Program offers grants on a first-come, first-served basis. Each proposal received prior to the application deadline will be scored by MEA for its quality of documentation and for the magnitude of energy-saving and environmental benefits conveyed by its proposed scope of work. Scores are a key determinant of award values.
FY25 CI&A grants provide less than 100% coverage of proposal costs. An Applicant may finance the balance of costs for a proposed scope of work either with (1) funds out-of-pocket, or (2) by applying to MEA separately for a Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan. MEA requires a separate application specific to the Lawton loan. If a loan is desired, Applicants are encouraged to submit a Lawton application at the same time that the CI&A grant application is submitted.
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until funding is fully awarded or until Friday, February 14, 2025 at 3 P.M., whichever occurs first. Earlier application submittals are strongly encouraged in order to have the best chance of obtaining funding under the Program.
Anticipated Program Budget: Subject to funding availability, the FY25 program has a total budget of up to $3,100,000, which will be divided into four separate areas of interest (AOI):
- Commercial, office, retail, hospitality, institutional, multifamily residential properties with five or more units, research, laboratory, data centers, or private elementary school and college facilities. Stationary facilities only.
- Commercial, office, retail, hospitality, institutional, multifamily residential properties with five or more units, research, laboratory, data centers, private elementary school and college facilities, factories, material processing facilities, warehouses, or distribution centers. Stationary facilities only. Eligible facilities include first-time fabrication, substantial rehab with change of facility use, or existing structures repurposed after one year or more of vacancy.
- CHP systems providing high-grade industrial heat for manufacturing activities, data centers or other critical loads, subject to restrictions.
Eligible Applicants: Entities eligible to apply for grants are business (registered corporations, LLPs, LLCs, GPs, etc.) or non-profit entities that operate facilities that perform any of the following activities:
- Manufacturing or industrial production/distribution/warehousing
- Data center operations
- Office, commercial, service, or retail operations
Private school (Pre-K, K-12) education and administration
Privately-owned college and university education and administration
Multifamily residential buildings containing five or more units
Agricultural entities (for AOI.3)
For more information, please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement below.
Program Documents:
Additional Resources:
Please see the Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program for additional funding options.
For more information on the CI&A Grant Program, contact MEA by email at ci.mea@maryland.gov or by phone:
- Christopher Russell, Program Manager: (443) 908-1767
- Gus Norrbom, Energy Specialist: (410) 536-3093
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