


For program updates, please email​ us​ to join our newsletter, follow us on social media ​(FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn), or bookmark this page or our​ News page. All programs are subject to available funds. Read our full list of FY25 programs here​.​​

State of Maryland Excise Tax Credit

Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Excise Tax Credit for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Program

Maryland’s Excise Tax Credit for Plug-In Electric Vehicles is implemented by the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), rather than the Maryland Energy Administration.  For more information on the Excise Tax Credit program for plug-in electric vehicles, please see the MVA program website.  Questions related to the EV tax credit program should be directed to MVA at https://mymva.maryland.gov/TAP/IND/?link=ContactMVA.​


Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Rebate Program (EVSE)

​​Provides funding assistance for costs incurred acquiring and/or installing qualified EV supply equipment, also referred to as charging stations.​

Grants & Loans​

Electric School Bus Grant Program​

​​Supports public schools and public local education agencies (LEAs) in the transition to electric school buses by providing funding for the development of charging infrastructure.
Community Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
(EVSE) Program

​Increases access to affordable and reliable electric vehicle (EV) charging networks ​and reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions in low and moderate income, overburdened, and underserved communities in Maryland.
Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Grant Program

Offers grants to purchase qualifying zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and heavy equipment for commercial or industrial use​.
​​Maryland Smart Energy Communities Programs
​Offers funding for sustainable, long-term, clean energy policies and projects that lead to reduced energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions, increased cost savings, and robust clean energy and economic development.
Open Energy Grant Program​
​The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is interested in receiving proposal​​s that fall outside the range of its other ENERGY programs. ​

Archived Programs

Alternative Fuel​ Infrastructure Program​ (AFIP)

​​Supports the development of public access, alternative fuel refilling/charging infrastructure in the state of Maryland. 

Clean Fuels Incentive Program​​ (CFIP)​
​​​Reduces consumption of imported petroleum by providing incentives for both publicly accessiblalternative fuel infrastructure and alternative fuel fleet vehicles​.
Maryland Freedom Fleet Voucher Program (FFVP) 
​MEA will provide financial assistance for the purchase of new and converted alternative fueled vehicles registered in the state of Maryland.
​Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program (EVIP)

​Provides funding assistance for the deployment of direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.
Natural Gas Refilling Station Grant Program​
​Provides funding assistance for development of public access, natural gas refilling infrastructure.

Explore EVs and EVSE Webinars:

Webinar 1: The Basics of EVs:

Webinar 2: EV Charging:

Webinar 3: EVs for Fleets: