FY25 Maryland Solar Access Program



NEW! Take a look at the FY25 Maryland Solar Access Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document: FY25 Maryland Solar Access Program FAQs

Program Purpose: The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) FY25 Maryland Solar Access Program will be provided to help eligible Maryland residents install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to power their homes with clean, affordable, and sustainable energy. This program was established as the “Customer-sited Solar Grant Program” by the Maryland General Assembly’s passage of 2024 S.B. 783, known as the Brighter Tomorrow Act of 2024, and it will improve access to the benefits of solar energy to help ensure that no Marylander is left behind in the clean energy transition. This program will ultimately replace the previous MEA Residential Clean Energy Rebate Program, and will help deliver more equitable solar incentives to Marylanders.​

Program Description: The Maryland Solar Access Program will be offered to Maryland residents on a first-come, first-served basis, that meet the Program’s income requirements. Full income and eligibility requirements will be provided in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will be published later this calendar year. As required by statute, the application process will occur in two (2) steps, further described in the “Type of Program” section below.

Type of Program: The FY25 MEA Maryland Solar Access Program will be a non-competitive program with awards made on a first-come, first-served basis. The application process will consist of two (2) steps: (1) an initial application to reserve funds; and (2) solar installation completion verification. Applicants will have 180 days from the date that they receive confirmation of reserved funds to have the solar system fully-installed and operational, in order to receive payment of the funds. This is a statutory requirement of the program.

Program Documents: The FY25 Maryland Solar Access Program FAQ Document provides answers to frequently-asked questions about the Program. ​The Maryland Solar Access Program FOA is not yet available, but will be posted later this calendar year. Soon, MEA will post a Notice of Intent and Request for Information (NOI-RFI) that will provide basic program design information, as well as seek feedback from Maryland residents, solar installers, and other stakeholders in the residential solar space to help inform the ultimate design of the new Maryland Solar Access Program.

Program Contact: For more information on this upcoming MEA funding opportunity, please contact Brandon Bowser; Section Chief, Clean Energy and Resilience. Brandon can be reached at SolarAccess.MEA@Maryland.gov.