This grant is no longer available. It should not be confused with the Community Solar Pilot Program which is run by the Maryland Public Service Commission.
The Maryland Community Solar Pilot Program commenced in April 2017. We offer programs for both Commercial Community Solar and for Residential Community Solar
where the subscription uses an ownership model. Under an ownership model, the subscriber purchases the rights to the energy, for a given proportion of the array, over the lifetime of the project. This subscription right may be resold by the subscriber. The energy produced by the array is credited to the subscriber without any additional per kWh charge (although there may be annual Operations and Maintenance charges).
Commercial Community Grant Solar
The Maryland Commercial Community Solar grant allows Maryland businesses to purchase subscriptions for energy from community solar arrays, gaining the same economic advantages as having solar modules directly on the roofs of their businesses. In support of this program, the MEA developed the Commercial Community Solar Grant . The grant provides a monetary incentive for Maryland businesses that wish to purchase (own) the energy benefits of the array. Subscriptions must be to a community solar array within the subscriber’s electric utility service area. A grant will not exceed 100% of the smaller of the business’s annual energy use or 250kW. This grant may not be used for subscriptions to arrays under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Read below for more information.
Residential Community Grant Solar
The Maryland Residential Community Solar grant allows Maryland residents to purchase subscriptions for energy from community solar arrays, gaining the same economic advantages as having solar modules directly on their residences. In support of this program, the MEA developed the Residential Community Solar Grant . The grant provides a monetary incentive for Maryland residents who wish to purchase (own) the energy benefits of the array. Low-to-moderate income residents who subscribe to a community solar array under an ownership model are incentivized at a higher rate than other subscribers. Subscriptions must be to a community solar array within the subscriber’s electric utility service area. A grant will not exceed 100% of the resident’s annual energy use (with maximum subscription size of 20 kW). This grant may not be used for subscriptions to arrays under a PPA. Read below for more information.