The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) manages grants, loans, rebates, and tax incentives designed to help attain Maryland's Goals in energy reduction, renewable energy, climate action, and green jobs. Through the programs below, MEA helps Maryland residents, businesses, non-profits, and local governments implement energy efficiency upgrades and install renewable energy systems.
All of MEA's grant agreements are covered by standardized General Provisions. Click the following link to review these General Provisions:
When possible, please submit applications electronically to avoid mail delays. Staff will confirm receipt of electronic applications within one to two business days via email. If you have mailed in your application, we ask that you contact us via phone at 410-537-4000 or 1-800-72-ENERGY or email at DLInfo_MEA@maryland.gov to confirm receipt.
Grant Information:
Visit our Historic MEA Programs area for a list of programs that are no longer available.
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Maryland Green Registry, a community of nearly 600 member businesses and organizations saving money through energy conservation and other sustainable practices. Share your successes and learn from others through
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