Building Operations & Maintenance


Building decarbonization is a continuous and iterative process. Performing these tasks on a regular, proactive basis should save staff time in the long run, because preventive maintenance helps to reduce equipment malfunction and occupant complaints. Staff who spend more time on preventive operations generally spend less time “fighting fires” and troubleshooting operational problems. By redefining the preventive maintenance program to include operational activities that are critical to energy-efficient building operation, you can help ensure that this efficient performance will continue over time.

Best Practices:​

  • Retrocommissioning (RCx): Retrocommissioning is a systematic process to evaluate and improve an existing building's energy performance. This process often involves testing systems and equipment, identifying measures for implementation, and training building owners and operators how to take advantage of modified systems/equipment. 
  • Schedules: Building equipment and systems should be appropriately calibrated and tuned to run as efficiently as possible, scheduled to run only as needed, and periodically checked to prevent performance drift.
  • Smart thermostats: A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that automatically adjusts heating and cooling temperature settings in your home for optimal performance. Smart thermostats provide equipment use and temperature data you can track and manage.​

Incentives: ​

Technical Guidance: