Building Energy Performance Standards

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The Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 established a statewide building energy performance standard​ (BEPS) that requires large commercial and multifamily buildings (35,000 square feet and larger, excluding the parking garage area) to achieve incremental reductions in net direct greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately resulting in n​et-zero direct GHG emissions by January 1, 2040. 

The latest regulations will be adopted in 2024 and building owners should prepare to report benchmarking data in 2025.​ For more information and resources on compliance with Maryland’s BEPS, visit MDE’s BEPS page​

Through the forthcoming Maryland Clean Buildings Hub, MEA is committed to helping building owners find and leverage various incentives and technical assistance to make improvements to meet BEPS targets. Please visit our Incentives & Financing page​

If you have further questions, please submit your inquiry to​

Sign up for the Maryland Clean Buildings Hub Newsletter here​.